The 7-Day Healing Program

The 7-Day Healing Program


Begin the 7-Day Healing Program


What Is It?

The 7-Day Healing Program is designed to help heal a deep emotional wound from early life, which is causing you pain, anger and anxiety, and holding you back from your full thriving, joy and bliss in life. 
It is based on my healing and bliss work with over 20,000 advisees and is a time-tested method for getting very clear on what your personal, unique inner wound actually is, so that we can heal it, unblock our lives, and live the full thriving life we were actually meant to live.


How Does It Work?

Every life-blocking emotional wound has two parts: 
The trauma, shaming, ridicule and criticism that you suffered in early life - through no fault of your own
The authentic part of your inner self that you were forced to stuff down - in response to the wounding you suffered - in order to “get along", conform, and protect yourself from further shaming and wounding
Now there is nothing we can do to reverse the first part of the wound - the historical wounding you suffered - that is all in the past. 
However, we can still address the second part of the wound - to try and identify and recover that part of you that you stuffed down as a result of the wounding - for example, your emotional sensitivity, artistic creativity, or some other aspect of your true personality - these things are still “stuffed down”, even now in your adulthood, even though the threats of your childhood life have long since past.
This “stuffing down of a part of you” - not being who you fully, truly are - this is the actual cause of your current blockage and continued suffering in life, and this is the part of your wound that is actually still addressable and reversible, if you have the right tools for reflection and insight.
Once you can identify this valid, yet stuffed down, part of you - and then actually recover it back to you fully - you will feel a powerful sense of wholeness, inner healing and above all, relief - relief that the “something missing” you have always felt in your life is back again, and relief that you have all your sovereign powers gathered together again, for you to live a fully expressed life of thriving, joy and bliss - the life you actually deserve.

What Do I Get?

The 7-Day Healing Program includes everything you will need to learn and go through the healing method, all on your own power, without having to rely on any cooperation or reconciliation from the outside world.  
The core program is 5 hours of audio and video training sessions, paced out over 7 days - but you can go as fast or slow as you like because your access to the program does not expire - you can take a month or even a year to go through the program at the pace that feels most comfortable for you.
Also, as you learn the healing methods, you will be sure to have questions - about your own wounding pattern from your own life history, and how to heal from your own unique patterns.
To address the questions that we know will come up, we have also included - beyond the 7-day program - an extra “Going Deeper” bonus section which is a collection of over 180 additional sessions where we give in-depth answers to the most common and pressing questions we have encountered in our work over the years, with the over 20,000 advisees that have already come through the program.
This amounts to over 50 additional hours of support sessions that you have unlimited access to in the program - you do not have to watch all 50 hours of course (it's a lot haha!) but when you do have a specific personal question that we know will come up, chances are that it will be thoroughly covered in the additional 50 hours of the extra “Going Deeper” bonus section of the program.
The cost of the program is $297 for lifetime access to the entire program - including the added bonus section - and that you get access to it all immediately so you can start your life-changing healing process right away.

Fully Guaranteed

The 7-Day Healing Program is fully guaranteed - if you are not happy with the program for any reason in the first 60 days, just email us and we will process an easy and stress-free refund.

Begin the 7-Day Healing Program 


Limited-Time Bonus Offer

For a limited time, when you purchase the 7-Day Healing Program you will also get these six exclusive Bonus Sessions, to amplify the power of the program and healing methods in your life even more.
These Bonus Sessions are not available for separate purchase - they are only available during this limited-time promotional offer:
Bonus #1: How To Stop Being Taken Advantage Of
When you have trouble saying “no” to others’ requests and demands, it often leads to your being taken advantage of, stretched thin, and unappreciated by others.  
This is called “people pleasing” and having weak boundaries and self-protection, which is caused by a specific kind of childhood emotional wounding. 
In this 2-hour bonus section, we will cover both why it happens and how to stop it - with a focus on recovering the “guardian/protector” part of your inner self so you can defend your boundaries and reclaim the power of your “no” - a incredible relief when you have finally learned how to do it!
Bonus #2: How To Speak Your Truth Without Fear
When you have trouble “speaking your truth” and asking for what you really need - from other people, but even from your own self - this is known as “losing the power of your voice” 
This special bonus section - a full two additional hours of video sessions - will provide a detailed understanding of why your voice may have been suppressed and by what kind of childhood wounding pattern, and how “using your full power voice” sounds, and how it actually feels.
Most importantly, it will also illustrate how to fully recover the power of your voice so that this powerful part of your true inner self - your true voice - can fully protect you and advance you in your highest purpose in life.
Bonus #3: How To Manage Unhealthy Anger
When we have any lifelong emotional wound from early life, we will often have a deep and powerful anger over the unfairness of how we were wounded, pressured, shamed and neglected by others, especially when we were younger and most unable to defend ourselves.
We often suppress this anger because we fear its destructive power, and yet it still explodes out of us from time to time, blasting our loved ones, colleagues and even our own inner selves with our pent-up rage.
This special bonus will dive deeply into the details of healing this kind of profound anger - how it happens, how to heal it - and what changes may need to be made as the anger resolves and recedes in your life.
Bonus #4: How To Rediscover Your Intrinsic Self-Love
When we have self-sabotage or harsh self-criticism, it often feels like we “do not love ourselves” and it leads us to being discouraged even more - how can we improve and heal, if we do not actually even love ourselves in the first place?? 
And how can we “learn to love ourselves” as adults if we were never encouraged to do this in childhood?
This bonus will dive deeply into the “physics” of self-love, and reveal, demonstrate and prove how our self-love has always actually been there - and still is here - but it has simply been misunderstood and hidden - even as it has still been working discreetly, to protect you and support you in subtle and surprising ways!
Bonus #5: How To Stop Lifelong Self-Sabotage
What are the root causes of self-sabotage?  
What does it really mean when we “sabotage” what we thought we wanted to do or achieve?
This bonus will give a number of in-depth examples and techniques to help us understand the true cause of self-sabotage, and how to transform the “inner saboteur” within you, into your greatest ally and supporter for helping you to realize your highest life vision and bliss.
Bonus #6:  How To Manage Excessive Anxiety
Where does excessive anxiety come from and how do we stop it? 
This bonus will go deeply into what the real “signal and message” of constant anxiety actually is - and how to decode and then act on that internal signal and message. 
The beauty is that once you understand the deeper meaning and message of your anxiety, not only will the anxiety calm down, but you will also have the content of the message to guide you forward in your life path.
These Six Exclusive Bonuses are each a collection of 2 hours of additional video sessions, for a total of 12 additional hours of advising sessions and they not available for separate purchase - they are only available during this limited-time promotional offer.


Finally: The Importance of Starting Now

What is it worth to get your deep, core lifelong wound within you - finally healed? 
What is it worth to have the thing that has been holding you back your whole life - finally identified, acknowledged, recovered and reconciled with?
And - to be able to do this, all on your own sovereign power, not relying on anyone else, fully privately and confidentially, with skills and methods you will learn once and have forever - for your own defense and self-protection, all throughout the rest of your life?
When you have the chance to fully heal your deepest wounds - the fact that you are even reading these words - it means you are ready for the next step of your journey - and it is my bliss and my meaning and purpose to be by your side to help you achieve this next profound level of self-healing, to recover your own authentic self in all its wholeness and power, so that you can unblock your life and finally have the full thriving life you were actually meant to live.
This is what I've done for thousands of others, and I hope to get to support you through it too. Thank you so much, and I'll see you in the program!

Begin the 7-Day Healing Program 



Begin the 7-Day Healing Program


Frequently Asked Questions 

How much time does the program take?
Each day’s main session is only about 20-30 minutes, and then I give you some questions to reflect on throughout the day – the most powerful insights tend to come when you are reflecting on your own, while going about your regular day.
Do I still have access to the program after 7 days? What if I fall behind?
You can take your time in going through the program – your access does not expire.
Is it just for people with “serious trauma”?
Not at all – this program is a set of tools for reflection and insight, for anyone who would like to reconcile with their own inner “negative voice” in a nurturing and productive manner.  
Also, this program is not “therapy” and not a substitute for any form of medical treatment – it is only general advising.
Is this program suitable for kids?
While this program is appropriate for any age, I recommend that parents experience the program for themselves first, and then consider the specialized program I offer specifically for parents.



If you have any questions, you may email me anytime at, and I look forward to hearing from you!