Bali March 2023 Retreat Info

Creating the Life of Your Dreams: Bali 2023 Retreat Info

Here are some photos of the resort and area we will be staying at for our Bali, Indonesia retreat, March 3-9, 2023:












For more info on the retreat Excursions, please see this page: 

Bali Excursion Photos 

Food and Lodging

For this retreat, the fee will be USD $4,300 for the full week of sessions, which includes all nights of lodging (single rooms), transportation to and from Denpasar International Airport (DPS), all meals, and all excursion costs and fees (temple visits, nature tours, beach days, etc).

Your only additional costs are your own airfare to and from Bali, and any additional drinks/snacks/massages you book directly the resort during your free time there. :) 


Next Step:

Please review the Retreat Terms and Conditions in order to accept your invitation


Here are some comments from attendees of our past retreats in Napa Valley, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome and Athens:

“I feel doing a retreat with you Artie was one of the most life-changing events in my life... as we were a small group speaking all the same language… the amount of progress I made was phenomenal.

And as we were all holding sacred space for each other, it gave us the time and the courage to go deep into the core of healing, knowing that we are safe, as Artie is right there (!!!)

Giving deep insights to each individual upon his/her path and through the group sessions - learning from and sharing each other's experiences!!

I will be forever grateful for being part of this experience.”

Nancy T, Paris, France

“Time with Artie and others in Sacred Space (during Athens Retreat) was a formative experience for me. A peak formative experience. Just what my soul needed. I am basking in the glow of what I learned, shared, connected to in myself and others.

Truly grateful for Artie and the work he is doing: bringing healing to ourselves and our world.”

Shellie S, Oregon State, USA

“If safely identifying your deepest wound and learning to transform that wound into your greatest strength and source of fulfillment sounds good to you- this is the essence of Artie’s warm, personable retreats. 

For me, the retreat was nothing less than sacred, powerful and enlightening. Artie has a way of demystifying the deepest of inner work. His retreats are for anyone who wants to bring more bliss into their daily lives.”

Rachel S, Washington State, USA

"I felt so comfortable that I’m not sure what would have made me more so. I felt safe, protected, welcomed, included, honored- it was really an incredible experience.

Learning about the Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine suppression patterns was really powerful in accessing my relationship wounding.

And for giving me an understanding of the real role that the feminine and masculine are meant to play in the world.

Circumambulation and labyrinth were powerful in that I learned that pain and darkness don’t necessarily mean I’m doing something wrong, but can be messages that I’m on the right path, that I’m headed in the right direction."

Brook H, San Francisco, USA

“Artie has a way of bringing deep and often complex topics and translating them in a fun and lighthearted way. I personally find that Artie is a very endearing and inspiring person. I have learned so much from him. Some of it was what I’ve been craving for and some of it just completely blew my mind.

I find Artie to be very practical in the way he does things which personally resonates with me very well. I highly recommend Preside for anyone searching for general advising, self-cultivation, advancing their life, or just plain interested. ”

Tony K, Los Angeles, USA


Next Step:

Please review the Retreat Terms and Conditions in order to accept your invitation