1:1 Monthly Advising with Artie for Bliss

1:1 Monthly Advising with Artie for Bliss

Please press Play to hear Artie's message for you:

(please unmute your phone) 

"So I am not even finished with my first pass at your recorded message. It's addictive, like the best movie you ever watched and cannot wait to watch more and get to the next part.  Listening in the shower, listening in between meetings, etc. etc.  Laughing and crying sad tears, release tears and happy tears too!  
Next pass I will work at taking notes, etc. yet already SO MUCH has been additionally excavated with some of your feedback.
So much gratitude for this process.  I know I have done and continue to do so much work on myself and therapy, etc. etc.  Yet this is a whole different experience and it truly feels as though I might be able to finally tackle what has been holding me back and have the chance to flourish and thrive in my later part of life. 
Still SCARY as I have no idea how I will do this, yet also exciting as hell."

- CK

If you have any questions, you may email me anytime at artiew@presidemeditation.com, and I look forward to hearing from you!